Many myths have their origins in and can be created by unwritten rules. Unwritten rules are the values, beliefs and attitudes we hold, manifesting from various sources and reinforced in a variety of ways.

The existence of myths can contribute to perpetuating domestic and sexual violence and can continue to compound the shame and stigma associated with surviving such abuse. By believing societal and cultural myths and allowing domestic violence to remain unchallenged, faith communities arguably enable impunity and silence for perpetrators to continue to oppress and abuse women.

There are numerous narratives and assumptions within every religious context and offering a space to explore and discuss can dispel myths that enforce the victim as the problem and to examine underlying myths that collude with the perpetrator in taking responsibilities for their violence.

The resource seeks to explore how powerful and harmful such myths can be and their broader impact upon the development of the cultural and discriminatory value system underpinning domestic and sexual violence within various contexts.


“Violence against women, inside or outside the home, is never justified. Violence in any form – physical, sexual, psychological or verbal – is sinful; often it is a crime as well.”